Training Tuesday: Social Security with Special Guest

*Virtual Event* Let's cover the basics of working with social security to benefit your client. Special Guest: TBD Register Below:

Training Tuesday: Medicaid with Special Guest

*Virtual Event* We'll cover the basics of working with Medicaid to benefit your client. Special Guest: Kasey Hagood from UHC Register Below:

Training Tuesday: National Council on Aging with Special Guest

*Virtual Event* We'll continue our special guest month talking to the National Council on Aging, their role in the community, and how you can work with them as an agent. Register Below:

Training Tuesday: Back to Basics (Part B Penalty)

*Virtual Event* April is Back to Basics month and we are kicking it off by covering the Part B penalty nuances. Register Below:

Training Tuesday: Back to Basics (SEPs)

*Virtual Event* We will cover each SEP and how they apply throughout the year to give you more opportunities to sell. Register Below:

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